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2024 Annual Report

Download the Report

Our Impact

Solving for a more prosperous and sustainable future for all

We are proud to share our FY24 Annual Report, which captures both the global impact of our community and the stories of those at the forefront of change. Delve into the report to learn how the 75 innovators selected in FY24 and their tech-based solutions to global challenges are affecting over 45 million lives. 

Key achievements this year include:

  • Mobilized over $7.1 million in funding
  • Launched 12 open innovation challenges with 3,000+ applications
  • 75 innovators selected
  • 45+ million lives affected by their solutions

Want to be part of progress in action? Learn how we support organizations looking to deepen their social impact work.


About Solve

Solve is an initiative of MIT. We believe that to achieve a more sustainable and equitable future for all, we need new voices and ideas. We launch open calls for exceptional and diverse solutions to the most pressing global challenges from anyone, anywhere in the world. Selected innovators get the backing of MIT and our community of supporters to scale their impact and drive lasting change.

Download the 2024 Annual Report

Our Impact

Solving for a more prosperous and sustainable future for all

We are proud to share our FY24 Annual Report, which captures both the global impact of our community and the stories of those at the forefront of change. Delve into the report to learn how the 75 innovators selected in FY24 and their tech-based solutions to global challenges are affecting over 45 million lives. 

Key achievements this year include:

  • Mobilized over $7.1 million in funding
  • Launched 12 open innovation challenges with 3,000+ applications
  • 75 innovators selected
  • 45+ million lives affected by their solutions

Want to be part of progress in action? Learn how we support organizations looking to deepen their social impact work.


About Solve

Solve is an initiative of MIT. We believe that to achieve a more sustainable and equitable future for all, we need new voices and ideas. We launch open calls for exceptional and diverse solutions to the most pressing global challenges from anyone, anywhere in the world. Selected innovators get the backing of MIT and our community of supporters to scale their impact and drive lasting change.